Dr. Bruce Oliver, Orthodontist
Dr Bruce Oliver has been creating SMILES for his patients for over 20 years. Dr. Oliver obtained a Bachelor of Science and Doctorate of Dental Surgery at McGill university. He obtained a Masters of Science and Specialty in Orthodontics from the State University Of New York at Buffalo. Dr Oliver has also taken Orthodontic Surgical training at the University of Chapel Hill in North Carolina. Dr. Oliver has served as examiner for the Royal College of Dentists which is the organization responsible for the licensing of dental specialists in Canada.
Dr Oliver has published scientific articles in the Canadian Journal of Dentistry, The American Journal of Maxillofacial Orthodontics and Orthopedics and The Journal Dentaire Du Quebec. Dr. Oliver has acted as a reviewer for articles submitted to The Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. He has taught Orthodontics at McGill University for ten years serving as an assistant professor. He is a past President of numerous Dental Clubs. Dr. Oliver has published articles and lectured at the Provincial, Naional and International Orthodontic Meetings and has presented an orthodontic paper at the 4th World Federation of Orthodontists Meeting.
Dr Oliver is a Fellow of The Royal College of Dentists and a Diplomate of The American Board of Orthodontists. He is a member of the Quebec Association of Orthodontists and is certified as an Orthodontist by The Order of Dentists of Quebec. Dr. Oliver provides orthodontic services to adults and children and works in conjunction with other dental specialists to provide orthodontics for patients requiring maxillo-facial surgery.
Dr Oliver and his team would be happy to discuss with you the various orthodontic treatment possibilities for improving your SMILE.